All In by Stephanie Breedlove

Notable Quotes:
"Life takes you on twists and turns, and as much as you plan, you often find the best plan is to just roll with it. Sometimes the path to finding your strongest talents, the best you, and the person you were meant to be looks nothing like your plan, and nothing like society's norm. Learning to be adaptable and to consciously maximize the outcomes of the twists and turns produces a maximized life."

"To navigate the peaks and valleys of life with confidence and gusto, you must be in the front car of the roller coaster at all times. There is no joy riding in the back. You are the creator and operator of this ride, so you must prioritize, choose carefully, and live out those priorities that take up valuable time and energy. This is a critical message for every one of us. Our life circumstances differ, but we all face the challenges of establishing and integrating our priorities. You cannot have a twenty-car roller coaster. It cannot take the curves or climb the hills if it is too long and too heavy." 

"In life there will always be obstacles. But remember this: They are not insurmountable. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or defeated by challenge, become curious. Understand, accept, and embrace the opportunities, and I guarantee you will navigate around, over, or through the obstacles with success."


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